All raffle tickets are handed out at Ocean Air Sports during the check-in period both Saturday and Sunday during the event. Bring your receipt of the purchase to the shop during check in to claim your pre-purchased raffle tickets.
The giant raffle we hold at OBX-WIND each year is the backbone of financial support for the event. Our Sponsors are generous enough to donate many amazing prizes each year. Help support the event and give yourself a chance at winning a trip, sails, and TONS of other great prizes. ****You do not need to be present at the drawing, but your raffle ticket does.**** If you can't make it to the raffle party, make sure you give your ticket to someone that can bring your prize home for you****
-Current raffle prize list for OBX-WIND 2025
(List will be updated as more prizes come in)
Trip includes: 7 nights stay for 1 person, Windsurf/ Foil / Wing gear

More prizes to come!
Loads of smaller prizes like T-shirts, hats, etc.